
Half-life measurements for both ground-state and isomeric transitions in proton radioactivity are systematized by using a semiempirical, one-parameter model based on tunneling through a potential barrier, where the centrifugal and overlapping effects are taken into account within the spherical nucleus approximation. This approach, which has been successfully applied to alpha decay cases covering ∼ 30 orders of magnitude in half-life, has shown, in addition, very adequate at fitting all existing data on partial half-life, T 1/2p , of proton emission from nuclei. Nearly 70 measured half-life values have been analysed, and the data could be described by two straight lines relating the pure Coulomb contribution to half-life with the quantity $\ensuremath Z_{\rm d}(\mu_0/Q_{{\rm p}})^{1/2}$ (Z d is the atomic number of the daughter nucleus, μ0 is the reduced mass, and Q p is the total nuclear energy available for decay). These straight lines are shown to correspond to different degrees of deformation, namely, very prolate ( δ ≳ 0.1 , and other shaped ( δ ≲ 0.1 parent nuclei. The goodness in reproducing the data attained in the present systematics allows for half-life predictions for a few possible cases of proton radioactivity not yet experimentally accessed.

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