
Current article touched upon the issue of the complicated taxonomic status of some species from the genus Crepidostomum collected from the freshwater fish in the rivers of Primorsky region, Sakhalin, and Hokkaido Islands. Primary morphological analyses showed affiliation of the worms to the species C. farionis (Müller, 1784) Lühe, 1909; C. metoecus Braun, 1900b; C. chaenogobii Yamaguti and Matsumura, 1942; C. nemachilus Krotov, 1959. We described the new species Crepidostomum achmerovi sp. nov. that is a sibling species of C. nemachilus. Molecular-genetic investigation have shown that C. nemachilus and C. achmerovi sp. nov. are closely related to C. metoecus in both 28S rDNA and cox1 mtDNA markers. Crepidostomum nemachilus forms a separate branch within the C. metoecus clade on the 28S BI tree with strong statistical support and separate clade in relation to C. metoecus clade on the cox1 BI tree. Values of p-distances between Crepidostomum species were at intergeneric level. Crepidostomum metoecus species complex including five species (C. metoecus, C. nemachilus, C. oschmarini, C. brinkmanni, and C. achmerovi sp. nov.) was reconsidered as independent genus Crepidostomum sensu stricto. Minimum Spanning Network showed that C. nemachilus, C. metoecus and C. achmerovi sp. nov. were separated by large number of mutational events and represent independent phyletic lines. An amended diagnosis is provided for the subfamily Crepidostomatinae, the genera Crepidostomum s. str. and Stephanophiala Nicoll, 1909, along with keys to species of both genera.

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