
The Platygastroidea comprises two families of parasitoids, Scelionidae and Platygastridae, and nearly 4500 described species. They parasitize a diverse array of insects as well as spiders. Idiobiont endoparasitism of eggs is the putative ground plan biology, as reflected by all scelionids, but most Platygastridae are koinobiont endoparasitoids of immature Auchenorrhyncha, Sternorrhyncha, and Cecidomyiidae. The superfamily is demonstrably monophyletic but its phylogenetic position remains uncertain. Relationships within the Platygastroidea are also poorly known and the group is in need of comprehensive phylogenetic study. Significant information is available on host relationships and biology, although much of this is biased to a few genera of Telenominae that are employed as biocontrol agents. Hosts for many genera are unknown, in particular those that inhabit leaf litter or parasitize solitary host eggs. The Trissolcus basalis-Nezara viridula parasitoid-host association has become a favored model system in ecological, behavioral, and physiological research on insects.

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