
A new decapod crustacean assemblage associated with late Eocene coral reef deposits in northeast Spain (southern Pyrenees) is recorded; it includes Gemmellarocarcinus riglosensis sp. nov., Daira corallina sp. nov., Lobogalenopsis joei sp. nov., Liopsalis cf. anodon (Bittner, 1875) and Galenopsis crassifrons A. Milne- Edwards, 1865. The genera Gemmellarocarcinus, Daira and Lobogalenopsis are here recorded for the first time from Eocene strata of the Iberian Peninsula, extending their palaeobiogeographical distribution. Detailed sampling from three different coral reef facies within the La Peña buildup, here referred to as branching, tabular and massive, suggest that the core of the reef, which was dominated by branching corals, hosted the highest diversity and abundance of decapod crustaceans. Daira corallina sp. nov. predominated in the branching corals facies, while G. crassiforns was the most abundant taxon within the tabular coral facies and carpiliids showed preferences for environments with massive corals. Thus, this constitutes a good example of primary ecological zonation among decapod crustaceans within a discrete reef.

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