
ABSTRACT The current study revises the systematic taxonomy of Figuladra, a genus of camaenid land snails endemic to eastern Queensland, based on the investigation of many recently collected ethanol-preserved samples as well as historic museum material, including types. We employed comparative analyses to investigate the variation in morphological features (shell, penial anatomy) and performed phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences to test species hypotheses. Phylogenetic analyses recovered three principal mitochondrial clades, one occurring in mid-east Queensland, one in south-east Queensland, and another in the upland areas of south-east Queensland. We recognise altogether 15 accepted species, including four that are newly described herein (i.e., Figuladra finlaysoni sp. nov., F. robertirwini sp. nov., F. bromileyorum sp. nov. and F. vidulus sp. nov.). The status of 11 previously described species has been assessed and revised diagnoses are provided for each of these. Species of the south-east Queensland clade revealed comparatively low levels of genetic and morphological differentiation and may represent examples of more recent, conceivably ongoing, speciation. Figuladra species have allopatric distributions with their ranges being separated by altitudinal or riverine barriers. Particularly the St Lawrence Gap dry corridor has been identified as a major biogeographic barrier separating two principal clades of Figuladra.

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