
The Cerrado occupies 24% of the Brazilian territory, half Amazon extension, and despite having the richest flora among the world’s savannas, it has been suffering deforestation rates as same as Amazon. Consequently, it is estimated that 57% of Cerrado is degraded. In this context, the present paper aimed to accomplish a systematic review of the last 10 years which answered the following question: “what are the main methods of restitution of degraded areas in the Cerrado?”. Therefore, the methodology was divided into 5 stages: papers identification in the research platform Google Scholar; title screening to exclude duplicates; variable eligibility; inclusion and analysis. Within the 44 analyzed papers, the biggest amount of publication occurred in 2011. Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais e Mato Grosso do Sul were the states with more publications. The most studied Cerrado physiognomic vegetation was the Cerrado sensu stricto. Active restitution was the most abundant. 80% of the papers were labelled as restoration and the rest as recovery. Based on this study it is conclude that the most used restitution method in the Cerrado degraded areas was the active restoration with drift planting and direct seeding.


  • The current development system has been the main subject of environmental degradation once the unprecedented consumerism and exploitation caused worrying levels of pollution, biodiversity destruction, rapid depletion of mineral reserves and others natural resources all around the world (MARCATTO, 2002).As a strategy to reduce environmental degradation, the Bonn Challenge is a global effort for restitution of 150 million hectares of degraded and deforest areas all over the world (IUNC, 2020)

  • The definition uses the notion of endemism as a biological criterion for priority-setting purposes (MYERS, 2003), i.e., a local is considered as ‘hotspots’ when it owns a high concentration of species linked with a high endemism level and suffer an exceptional extinction threat (MYERS, 1988)

  • Ciência Florestal, Hoehnea e Neotropical Biology and Conservation were the journals with the greatest adherence to the theme with the higher number of published papers

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The current development system has been the main subject of environmental degradation once the unprecedented consumerism and exploitation caused worrying levels of pollution, biodiversity destruction, rapid depletion of mineral reserves and others natural resources all around the world (MARCATTO, 2002).As a strategy to reduce environmental degradation, the Bonn Challenge is a global effort for restitution of 150 million hectares of degraded and deforest areas all over the world (IUNC, 2020). The current development system has been the main subject of environmental degradation once the unprecedented consumerism and exploitation caused worrying levels of pollution, biodiversity destruction, rapid depletion of mineral reserves and others natural resources all around the world (MARCATTO, 2002). According to the current Brazilian legislation, when adding up PPA (Permanent Preservation Area) and LR (Legal Reserve) areas that need to be restored, there is a deficit of approximately 21 million hectares of nonrestored areas (SAE, 2013) in which about 8 million concentrates in Amazon, 6 million in Atlantic Forest and 5 million in Cerrado. Priority actions to restore are expected to areas considered as ‘hostpots’. This term was originally conceived by Norman Myers in 1988. The definition uses the notion of endemism as a biological criterion for priority-setting purposes (MYERS, 2003), i.e., a local is considered as ‘hotspots’ when it owns a high concentration of species linked with a high endemism level and suffer an exceptional extinction threat (MYERS, 1988)

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