
To conduct a systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to prevent occupational hearing loss, following up on the findings of the most recent version of Cochrane systematic review on the same topic. Searches were carried out in PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases. The following interventions were considered: engineering/administrative controls; hearing protection devices (HPD); and audiological monitoring. For bias risk analysis, each study was assessed according to randomization, allocation, blinding, outcomes, other sources of bias. 475 references were obtained. Of these, 17 studies met the inclusion criteria: one randomized, one interrupted time series, and 15 before and after studies. Most studies were conducted in industries; three in military and/or shooting training environments; one in an orchestra, and one in construction. Most studies showed a high risk of bias. Six studies found a reduction in short-term exposure to noise through engineering/administrative controls; one found a positive impact due to changes in legislation; five studies have found positive effects of HPD in reducing exposure to noise and of educational trainings in the use of HPD; lastly, two studies found a reduction in noise levels and an increase in the using of HPD due to the implementation of hearing conservation programs. Todos os estudos analisados concluíram que as intervenções utilizadas resultaram em efeitos positivos sobre a audição e/ou sobre a exposição ao ruído. Em relação aos efeitos de longo termo, a grande maioria dos estudos limitou-se a avaliar efeitos imediatos ou de curto termo, reforçando que estudos incluindo follow-up de longo termo devem ser desenvolvidos.

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