
SVS Grade II blunt traumatic aortic injury is defined as intramural hematoma with or without external contour abnormality. It is uncertain whether this aortic injury pattern should be treated with endovascular stent-grafting or nonoperative measures. Since the adoption of the SVS Guidelines on endovascular repair of blunt traumatic aortic injury, the practice pattern for management of grade II injuries has been heterogenous. The objective of the study was to report natural history outcomes of grade II blunt traumatic aortic injury. A systematic review of published traumatic aortic injury studies was performed. Online database searches were current to November 2022. Eligible studies included data on aortic injuries that were both managed nonoperatively and classified according to the SVS 2011 Guidelines. Data points on all-cause mortality, aorta-related mortality and early aortic intervention were extracted and underwent meta-analysis. The methodology was conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidance. Thirteen studies were included in the final analysis with a total of 204 cases of SVS grade II blunt traumatic aortic injury treated nonoperatively. The outcomes rates were estimated at 10.4% (95% CI 6.7% - 14.9%) for all-cause mortality, 2.9% (95% CI 1.1% - 5.7%) for aorta-related mortality and 3.3% (95% CI 1.4% - 6.2%) for early aortic intervention. The studies included in the analysis were of fair quality with a mean Downs and Black score 15 (±1.8). Grade II blunt traumatic aortic injury follows a relatively benign course with few instances of aortic-related mortality. Death in the setting of this injury pattern is more often attributable to sequelae of multisystem trauma and not directly related to aortic injury. The current data supports nonoperative management and imaging surveillance for grade II blunt traumatic aortic injury instead of endovascular repair. Longer-term effects on the aorta at the site of injury are unknown.

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