
Question-Answering (QA) systems at the intersection of natural language processing, information retrieval, and knowledge representation aim to provide efficient responses to natural language queries. These systems have seen extensive development in English and languages like Indonesian present unique challenges and opportunities. This literature review paper delves into the state of ontology-based Indonesian QA systems, highlighting critical challenges. The first challenge lies in sentence understanding, variations, and complexity. Most systems rely on syntactic analysis and struggle to grasp sentence semantics. Complex sentences, especially in Indonesian, pose difficulties in parsing, semantic interpretation, and knowledge extraction. Addressing these linguistic intricacies is pivotal for accurate responses. Secondly, template-based SPARQL query construction, commonly used in Indonesian QA systems, suffers from semantic gaps and inflexibility. Advanced techniques like semantic matching algorithms and dynamic template generation can bridge these gaps and adapt to evolving ontologies. Thirdly, lexical gaps and ambiguity hinder QA systems. Bridging vocabulary mismatches between user queries and ontology labels remains a challenge. Strategies like synonym expansion, word embedding, and ontology enrichment must be explored further to overcome these challenges. Lastly, the review discusses the potential of developing multi-domain ontologies to broaden the knowledge coverage of QA systems. While this presents complex linguistic and ontological challenges, it offers the advantage of responding to various user queries across various domains. This literature review identifies crucial challenges in developing ontology-based Indonesian QA systems and suggests innovative approaches to address these challenges.

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