
The additives in petrol was started to use in the first half of the twentieth century. In the late 1970s, a qualitative conceptual change in the development of this area of science and practice took place. Environmental pollution from harmful emissions led to the modification of petrol formulations and structural improvements of engines. The problem of improving the quality of gasoline and fuels for jet engines is usually solved in two ways: by developing high-quality new products and by efficient use of traditional ones.
 The proposed work analyses the scientific literature on energy-efficient additives to aviation gasoline and, on this basis, creates a systematic information base, namely: classification of the range of additives to gasoline (by the following features: chemical, physical and biological stability enhancers; flash point modifiers; combustion modifiers; washing; dopes that promote efficient operation of fuels at low temperatures; friction modifiers; marking agents; anti-corrosion agents; safety enhancers; surface-active property modifiers) and the range of anti-detonation and environmental (anti-emission) additives in aviation petrols.
 The following additives are manufactured and approved for use in Ukraine: poly-functional additives representing a complex mixture of manganese compounds and mixtures of paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons (TU 30218597.001[in Ukrainian] "Poly-functional additives "Eco-Octane". Technical specifications"); iron-containing multifunctional additives "Standard"; there are also known developments of oxygenates based on methanol, ethanol and other alcohols, alcohol processing products, ethers and other oxygen-containing compounds.
 The research is being carried out within the framework of the project "Development of a technology for the production of new environmentally friendly high-octane aviation gasoline from domestic raw materials" at the expense of the state budget in accordance with the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 12 August 2022 No. 713-r "Pro zatverdzhennia pereliku naukovo-tekhnichnykh (eksperymentalnykh) rozrobok v ramkakh vykonannia derzhavnoho zamovlennia na naivazhlyvishi naukovo-tekhnichni (eksperymentalni) rozrobky ta naukovo-tekhnichnu produktsiiu u 2022 rotsi" [in Ukrainian] (registration number 2020.01/0242).

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