
Phylogenetic relationships among six of the seven currently recognized genera of the subtribe Microseridinae were examined using comparative restriction site mapping of the chloroplast genome. Complete cleavage maps of 17 enzymes were constructed for 35 of the 46 species in the subtribe and six representative outgroup species from four other subtribes of the Lactuceae. A total of 373 restriction site mutations was detected, 180 of which were phylogenetically informative. The chloroplast DNA mutations were used to generate phylogenetic trees using Dollo, Wagner, and weighted parsimony, and the resulting monophyletic groups were evaluated by the bootstrap method. The results indicate that the Microseridinae is paraphyletic because Stephanomeria is nested within the six core genera of the subtribe. Five of the genera of the Microseridinae are monophyletic, whereas Microseris is paraphyletic because one of its species, M. lindleyi, is more closely related to Agoseris and Nothocalais. The distant relationship of M. lindleyi to the rest of the species of Microseris is enigmatic, especially in view of its known involvement in the origin of two allotetraploid species, M. decipiens and M. heterocarpa. The taxonomic implications of these results lead to a revised classification of Microseris in which the genus Uropappus is revived to accommodate M. lindleyi, and a new genus, Stebbinsoseris, is described to include the allotetraploids. The cpDNA phylogeny is used to evaluate the patterns of character evolution within the Microseridinae, as well as to test previous hypotheses that differences in generation time result in unequal rates of chloroplast DNA evolution.

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