
Chrysanthemum indicum L. capitulum is an enriched source of flavonoids with broad-ranging biological activities, mainly due to their anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, immune regulation, anti-microbial activity, hepatoprotective, and neuroprotective effects. The O-methylation of various secondary metabolites has previously been demonstrated to be mainly catalyzed by S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent O-methyltransferase (OMT) proteins encoded by the OMT gene family. However, limited comprehensive study was published on the OMT gene family, especially the CCoAOMT subfamily, involved in the O-methylation of flavonoids in Chrysanthemum. Here, we analyzed the spatiotemporal expression patterns of C. indicum OMT genes in leaf and flower at different developmental stages. Transcriptome sequencing and qRT-PCR analysis showed that COMTs were mainly highly expressed in capitulum, especially in full bloom, while CCoAOMTs were mainly highly expressed in leaves. Correlation analysis of OMT gene expression and flavonoids accumulation revealed that four OMTs (CHR00029120, CHR00029783, CHR00077404, and CHR00078333) were putatively involved in most methylated flavonoids biosynthesis in the capitulum. Furthermore, we identified a true CCoAOMT enzyme, CiCCoAOMT1, and found that it catalyzed O-methylation of quercetin and luteolin at the 3′-OH position. In summary, this work provides an important theoretical basis for further research on the biological functions of OMTs in C. indicum.

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