
Galaxy cluster surveys compiled via the Sunyaev–Zeldovich Effect have the potentialto place strong constraints on cosmology, and in particular the nature of darkenergy. Here we consider cluster velocity surveys using kinetic Sunyaev–Zeldovichmeasurements. Cluster velocities closely trace the large-scale velocity field independent ofcluster mass; we demonstrate that two useful cluster velocity statistics are nearlyindependent of cluster mass, in marked contrast to cluster number count statistics. Onthe other hand, cluster velocity determinations from three-band observations ofSunyaev–Zeldovich distortions can require additional cluster data or assumptions, and arecomplicated by microwave emission from dusty galaxies and radio sources, which may becorrelated with clusters. Systematic errors in velocity due to these factors cangive substantial biases in determination of dark energy parameters, althoughlarge cluster velocity surveys will contain enough information that the errorscan be modeled using the data set itself, with little degradation in cosmologicalconstraints.

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