
The B3LYP and B3PW91 density functionals were employed with a large [BS1 = 6-311+G(3df,2p)] and small [BS2 = 6-311G(d,p)] basis set to compute enthalpies of formation (at optimized MP2/6-31G(d) geometries and with scaled HF/6-31G(d) frequencies) in the following series of haloalkanes: (1) the 15 fluoro-, chloro-, and chlorofluoromethanes, (2) the 18 fluorinated and chlorinated ethanes. Similar to earlier higher level calculations on haloalkanes, the computed enthalpies exhibited very large, systematic deviations from experiment. It was found that these errors could be largely eliminated using a very simple Bond Additivity Correction (BAC) formula, Delta(f)H degrees (BAC) = Delta(f)H degrees (calc) - n(CX). Delta(CX) [X = F, Cl], in which the BAC parameters, Delta(CF) and Delta(CCl) were determined by fitting the equation to experimental data on the four fluoroethanes and chloroethanes, respectively. The resultant BAC corrected enthalpies of formation are in excellent agreement with experiment, with RMS deviations in the same range as quoted RMS errors in measured enthalpies. Therefore, this simple BAC procedure may be utilized to provide reliable semiquantitative estimates of enthalpies of formation in larger haloalkanes, for which higher level ab initio calculations are not feasible.

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