
Motivated by constraining the neutron star properties and eliminating their uncertainties based on the constraints on nuclear matter parameters extracted from the terrestrial experiments, the correlations between a mount of nuclear matter parameters and neutron star properties have been analyzed by the selected equation of states within the relativistic mean-field theory and used to constrain the neutron star properties. It is found that the radius $R$, tidal deformability $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$, and other neutron star properties have a notable correlation with the slope of symmetry energy $L$ for the typical neutron stars, and the ${R}_{1.4}$ and ${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}}_{1.4}$ restricted by the constraint on $L=54\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}8\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{MeV}$ can be consistent with the GW170817 and NICER observation constraints. Furthermore, it is shown that $L$ also has a good correlation with the properties of low-mass neutron stars, such as the gravitational binding energy $|{E}_{g}|$. The $|{E}_{g}|$ of low-mass neutron stars can be theoretically well constrained with the constraint range of $L$.

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