
Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) processors have wide selection of applications performance on speed and better cache memory. The advanced RISC microprocessors are extensively used for many of the complicated systems. Reduced Instruction set Computing (RISC) is a CPU (Central Processing Unit) design mechanism that displays fundamental instruction set and performs better after comparison with the other microprocessor architecture and has the ability to perform commands per instruction through microprocessor cycles. The proposed processor is designed using Harvard architecture, having separate instruction and data memory. Building of a fully synthesizable 32-bit RISC processor with Fetching unit, Decoding unit, Data and instruction memory, and Execution unit. The RISC Processor design is synthesized and implemented using Xilinx ISE Tool and simulated using I-sim. A 32-bit RISC is simulated and checked through VIO IP cores. We can use debug feature to drive and monitor signals that are present on the real hardware. This work is intended with Verilog HDL and implemented with the help of development board using Artix-7 FPGA device. The outcomes of performance are evaluated in terms of area, timing performance and maximum frequency of operation. The RISC processor compares earlier comparable architecture with efficient developments.

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