
This paper discusses the correlation balance of transport as a dynamic system and the economic growth of specific regions and countries expressed in gross domestic product (GDP). The contemporary transformation processes of the input resources to the desired outcomes need new intelligent approaches based on new information system techniques. These research determinations are specifically focused on achieving the objective of providing with the analyses concerned with giving a more estimated answer to some of the complex questions related to the economic dynamics, new information technologies, sustainable development, and transport. The assumption is that transport can be considered as one of the most influential and vibrant systems of the economy. Taking into consideration that transport system is a dynamic system which is continually changing in time and space, to maintain functioning and competing level, it should be enabled and followed by the high communication and operation technology. From this assumption, a research an interesting question has arisen: do transport contribution to the GDP increases, of the same is decreasing over time? To answer this answer, a research encompassed the mix research methodology combined with qualitative and quantitative research features. The qualitative research conclusions represent the identified and defined factors which determine the relationship between transport and the economy. The quantitative research is oriented in generating information and knowledge based on statistical data which provide with the evidence about the more realistic relationship between transport and the economy. The main goal of this research paper is to provide decision makers, planners, and academic spectrum with a demanding clarification of the applied relationship between the transport system and the economic development of a country or a region in terms of economic growth expressed in GDP, and to make them aware with regard to the implementation of new technology, new information systems, and smart or intelligence approaches within the field.

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