
The purpose of the article is to consider the modern concept of the «triangle of knowledge» as a universal approach to the development of scientific, technical and innovative activities based on strengthening the relationship between science, education and business. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the fundamental provisions of economic theory and practice, general scientific and special methods of cognition of economic reality. The main methods used are: structural-logical; comparative, method of detailing and synthesis. The concept of the «triangle of knowledge» is becoming an increasingly popular method of regulating scientific and technical activities and developing state innovation policy. The article presents a conceptual analysis of different approaches to understanding the philosophy of the «triangle of knowledge» and its links with other scientific and methodological structures, in particular, with national innovation systems. The main elements of the concept and the ability to implement it in the development of the country’s innovation policy are considered. Attention is focused on a systematic approach to regulating the processes of creating scientific knowledge and innovations. It has been established that the knowledge triangle stimulates productive interaction between the educational, scientific and business sectors. Policy actions based on this approach are designed to expand the academic culture of universities, encouraging them to focus not only on the excellence of science and teaching, but also on the development of innovation and the solution of socio-economic problems. It is established that the concept was formulated to solve a number of problems: stimulation of innovations; strengthening the flow of private investment in R&D; overcoming difficulties in connection with the commercialization of R&D results. It was revealed that the «knowledge triangle» provides assistance in making political decisions, since investments in even one of its components provide a positive effect not only for other components (participants), but also for the external context, including the modernization of the labor market, stimulating structural changes in the economy . and improving the quality of life. The participants of the «triangle of knowledge» are described, which include institutions of higher education, authorities and private companies. Their tasks in the development of scientific, technical and innovative activities are determined. It is concluded that universities carry out numerous activities; and their functions usually differ in the national context. In different countries, the quality of educational, scientific and innovative activities of universities differs and depends on historical factors, public policies and institutional structures.

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