
AbstractIntelligent transportation system is extremely important for the orderly development of road transportation, and it is even more important for developing countries to develop intelligent railway transportation system. This article introduces the basic concepts of intelligent transportation system and discusses the safety and environmental protection of railway passenger transportation in China. However, due to the development of road and air transportation, the proportion of railway passenger transportation is declining in recent years. Therefore, it is urgent to give priority to the development of railway intelligent transportation system. A comparative analysis of ITS and IRTS is made, and the difference between them is pointed out. Identities and similarities also point out that the development of IRTS has its own characteristics. Some key technologies used in ITS are not necessarily important technologies in IRTS. Development of IRTS, such as: intelligent train braking problems, mobile automatic blocking The system, the intelligent dispatching of empty trains, the intelligent dispatching of trains, and the intelligent train formation are of strategic significance to the development of IRTS by China Railway.KeywordsRailwayPassenger transportationIntelligent transportation system

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