
The supervisory functions of governors in the system of administration of the Yakutsk region in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries are characterized. The entire audit process is shown: preparation, execution, further consideration of the issues raised and the solution of identified problems. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the supervisory activity of the Yakut governor in the process of managing the northeast of Siberia is comprehensively considered. The source base of the study was legislative acts and office documentation from the funds of two archives. The author of the article proves that the audits achieved their immediate goal, revealed management failures, abuses and errors in record keeping. The author argues that the materials of the revisions of the predecessors helped the current governors to keep abreast of affairs and continue the undertakings of their colleagues. It is noted that communication with all segments of the local population during visits to the districts allowed the governors to learn first-hand about urgent needs and personally observe the actual state of affairs in the region. An analysis of the issues under consideration will allow us to consider in more detail the features of the functioning of the central government on the national outskirts, to find out the main mechanisms for the exercise of power in the management process, the forms of interaction between local authorities and society.

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