
Better is the technology; better is the livelihood of farmers’ community. The correlation between technology and rural development is highly positive. An agrarian technology apart from ensuring better production should also lead to better remuneration. SRI is one such technology that not only augments rice production but also reduces cost of cultivation. In this context, the present study has been undertaken to understand the impact of SRI over resource use efficiency and technical efficiency of rice cultivation. Upper velar basin in Salem district of Tamil Nadu was chosen for study as in this area SRI method of rice cultivation is practiced in great extent. The factors influencing the adoption of SRI are also determined. The cost involved in the adoption of SRI is also studied through partial budgeting analysis to show how far SRI is better than conventional rice cultivation practices. It was found that 98 % of SRI farmers are technically efficient against 54 % of the traditional farmers. The study revealed that per hectare cost of cultivation is around five per cent lower in SRI than the conventional method. Moreover adoption of SRI has led to 84 per cent increase in net income than conventional method. Net gain from adopting SRI technology was Rs.17045. It was also found out that SRI ensures farmers’ sovereignty by low quantum of water usage, improvement in soil health, decreased in cost of production and low seed requirement.

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