
The effects of combat stress most often cause non-psychotic mental disorders, which are manifested in significant emotional experiences, disorders of cognitive processing of information, deformation of social ties of combatants. We examined and treated 145 male combatants, who were injured and treated at the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region (Kharkiv), aged 20-55 years. According to the data obtained during the study, the following non-psychotic disorders were noted in the surveyed combatants: acute stress reaction (F43.0) in 36.2 % of combatants, post-traumatic stress disorder (F43.1) in 32.1 %, prolonged depressive reaction (F43.21) in 11.3 %, mixed anxiety-depressive reaction (F43.22) in 12.2 %, depressive episode (F32.1, F32.2) in 8.2 % of combatants. We developed and tested a program of personalized psychotherapeutic support for combatants, based on the obtained data from clinical psychopathological features of non-psychotic mental disorders. It is proved that the developed program of psychotherapeutic support of combatants promotes productive dynamics of psychopathological symptoms, forms a feeling of self-sufficiency, psychological well-being, promotes improvement of interpersonal relations and general perception of quality of life. Keywords: combatants, mental trauma, psychotherapeutic support.

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