
Background: disbalance in system of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors is discussed to be one of the most important factors of pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) pathogenesis. Objective: to study the variants of MMPs/inhibitors balance in the infiltrative PT (IPT) depending on presence/absence of lung tissue destruction(D). Materials and methods: 56 patients with newly diagnosed untreated IPT were grouped depending on absence (1st gr) or presence (2nd gr) of D. MBT were revealed in 50% and 80% cases correspondingly. The serum levels of pro-MMP-1, MMP-9, TIMP-1, elastase (EL), α1-proteinase inhibitor (PI ), α2-macroglobulin (MG ) were studied. Results: In both groups there were significant increase in MMP-9, PI and decrease in MG levels (p≤0.05). The difference between groups reflected in the levels of other enzymes, their associations with inhibitors and data of the linear correlations of the examined characteristics. The patients of the 1st gr. had normal values of proMMP-1, proMMP-1/TIMP-1 and EL/PI while in the 2nd gr. they were increased (p≤0.05). Such difference reflects insufficiency of compensatory increase of the inhibitor potential in cases of formation of lung tissue D. In the 1st gr. a close correlation was found for pro-MMP-1 with MG (r=-0.64; p≤0.03) while in the 2nd one for pro-MMP-1 with MMP-8 and EL (r=0.52 and -0.41; p≤0.05), for MMP-8 with PI (r=0.58;p≤0.03); for MMP-9 with MG and MBT (r=-0.35 and -0.43; p≤0.009), MMP-8 and MMP-9 with neutrophils in peripheral blood (r=0.44 and 0.48;p≤0.04). Conclusion: IPT patients with lung tissue D are distinguished from those without it by the increased pro-MMP-1 and MMPs/inhibitors disbalance.

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