
The analysis of the role of local budgets in the conditions of market economy as one of the most effective tools for creating a favorable financial climate and ensuring economic equilibrium at the micro level has been carried out. The problem of forming, executing and searching for ways to improve the system of income part of local budgets is investigated in order to increase the level of social and economic development of a particular region. The analysis of the dependence of economic and social stability, the proper standard of living of the population on the correct and consistent implementation of the budget process (system) at the local level is analyzed. The analysis of achievement of real autonomy of local budgets, full financing of both own powers and powers transferred to the local level in the process of decentralization, improvement of intergovernmental relations, increase of efficiency and efficiency of using budget funds are carried out. Changes in fiscal and tax legislation and new approaches to the formation of the revenue part of local budgets have been analyzed. A new mechanism of budget regulation and equalization has been explored as a tool for aligning local budgets' fiscal capacity instead of a balancing system. The present state of the income base of local budgets in Ukraine is analyzed on the example of the budget of the city of Kharkiv; the role of local taxes and fees in the process of forming the revenue part of local budgets is explored. A comparative analysis of the indicators and structure of the revenue part of the Kharkiv city budget for 2015-2018 is made. Generalized results of the process of improving the system of inter-budgetary relations. The shortcomings of the current formula for distributing intergovernmental transfers (equalization grants and funds transferred from local budgets to the state budget) are analyzed. The proposed directions for improving the system of local taxation to increase the volume of local budget revenues from their own sources, the most important of them being the deduction of personal income tax in local taxes. The principles of development of the system of local taxation in Ukraine, the implementation of which in the future will lead to strengthening the revenue base of the budgets of local self-government bodies.

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