
The article considers the essence of the system of conscious musical singing “Stolbitsa” (“Ladder”) by the Bulgarian teacher B. Trychkov and names his followers: B. Bochev, P. Boyadzhiev, V. Mirchev, K. Stoykov. The role of the didactic method “Ladder” in the development of the musical abilities of students of secondary schools is revealed. The meaning of the term “ladder” in the Bulgarian translation is explained. It is revealed why B. Trichkov calls his method so. It is shown that they contain visual aids called “Ladder” and what are drawing exercises and diagram exercises. 
 The tasks and forms of work proposed by B. Trichkov in his system according to the age categories of schoolchildren, in particular, first-fourth-grade students, are highlighted. It is indicated what is the most expedient period for “conscious musical singing”. Musical-didactic games are offered, which can be used in this period to stimulate the activity of students during the study of notes. The two main stages of reading the musical text according to the system of B. Trychkov (gradual and abrupt) are analyzed. The order of studying the steps in the process of mastering the scale by the “Ladder” method is indicated.
 Five stages of gradual intonation of scale sounds are described; the role of two-part singing in the “Ladder” system is revealed. The reason for B. Trichkov’s criticism of Western European methods “Tonworth” and “Tonic DO” is explained; the significance of the “Bulgarian ladder” and didactic method “Ladder” in the development of musical abilities of students of secondary schools of Ukraine at the present stage is revealed.
 The research was facilitated by the content analysis of domestic and foreign methodological literature, scientific sources, and periodicals.

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