
A novcl system identification and structural hcalth assessment proccdurc of steel finn~ed structures with semi-rigid connectiol~s is prescntecl in tliis paper. It is capable of ilctecting damages at the local elc~ncr~t level under nonnal operating conditions; i.e., serviceability limit state. The procedure is a linear time-domain system identification tecllnique in which the structure responses arc required, whereas the dynamic excitation force is not recluircd to identifjl thc strtlctural parameters. The procedure hacks changcs in the stiffiiess properties of all the elements in a stnlcture. It can identify damage-frec ancl (lamaged stnictural elemenls vely accurately whcn excited by different types of' dy~ramie loadings. 'l'he method is elaborated witli the llclp of' several numerical examples. Tlle results indicate that the proposed i~lgoritll~n identified tlle structures correctly and detected the prc-imposed danlages in the frames when excited hy earthquake, impact, and harmonic loadings. '1:Ile algorithm can potentially be used for structural llealtli asse,ss~rie~~t and monitoring of existing shxctures witli lninimum clisnlption of operations. Since the procedure requires only a few time points of response infotmation, it is cxpccted to be economic and efficient.

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