
The increase of the automotive fleet, industrial development, and human activities cause environmental pollutions in the air, damaging people's health. In this context, large cities incorporate central air monitoring that allow measuring air pollution levels, but in general, these central air monitoring are high-cost and they are few. In this paper, we to develop a system for monitoring air quality in urban environments applying low-cost solutions based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile sensors. In the medium term, the Monitoring System will be complemented with other components such as Network and Telecommunications System, GEO Database System, Computer Systems, Mathematical-Statistical Modeling, and Management Information System for decision making (SIG-DSS) to form a technological infrastructure. To achieve the objective, an architecture was developed using open source IoT hardware devices and mobile sensors; then the devices that will measure the air quality variables were configured. Experiments show that the technical-economic feasibility to build solutions at low cost and to measure environmental pollution in urban environments

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