
Sorting on the basis of the complex features resolved by chromosome slit-scan analysis requires rapid and flexible pulse shape acquisition and processing for determining sort decisions before droplet breakoff. Fluorescence scans of chromosome morphology contain centromeric index and banding information suitable for chromosome classification, but these scans are often characterized by variability in length and height and require sophisticated data processing procedures for identification. Setting sort criteria on such complex morphological data requires digitization and subsequent computation by an algorithm tolerant of variations in overall pulse shape. We demonstrate here the capability to sort individual chromosomes based on their morphological features measured by slit-scan flow cytometry. To do this we have constructed a sort controller capable of acquiring an 128 byte chromosome waveform and executing a series of numerical computations resulting in an area-based centromeric index sort decision in less than 2 ms. The system is configured in a NOVIX microprocessor, programmed in FORTH, and interfaced to a slit-scan flow cytometer data acquisition system. An advantage of this configuration is direct control over the machine state during program execution for minimal processing time. Examples of flow sorted chromosomes are shown with their corresponding fluorescence pulse shapes.

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