
Issues related to land relations occupy an important place in the activities of the state. The implementation of state land policy involves the implementation of public authorities activities in the field of land relations, aimed at rational use and protection of land, ensuring food security of the country and creating environmentally friendly conditions for economic activity and residence of citizens. The quality of state land policy is determined taking into account the criteria (requirements) of proper state management of land resources contained in the recommendations of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
 The results of the analysis of the real situation in Ukraine allow us to state that today these measures have not been fully implemented. The state land policy can be considered as being in the process of formation and not fully meeting European and world criteria and requirements for proper land management. Today in Ukraine there is no approved at the legislative level of the general strategy for the development of land resources and land relations [1].
 Among a wide range of public administration entities in the field of land relations, organizational activities of public administration in the field of land management, geodesy, cartography and land cadastre, has a separate system of entities designed in accordance with regulations to ensure implementation of state policy in the field of national infrastructure of geospatial data, topographic, geodetic and cartographic activities, land relations, land management, in the field of state land cadastre, state supervision (control) in the agro-industrial complex in terms of compliance with land legislation, use and protection of lands of all categories and forms of ownership, soil fertility.
 On the basis of the analysis of normative-legal regulation the article defines the range of subjects of public administration of general, special and subject competence in the field of land management, geodesy, cartography and land cadastre.

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