
System reliability analysis: on regular reliability models, J-C Chang et al bounding system reliability, J.N. Hagstrom and S.M. Ross large excesses for finite-state Markov chains, D. Blackwell. Ageing properties: nonmonotonic failure rates and mean residual life functions, R.C. Gupta the failure rate and the mean residual lifetime of mixtures, M.S. Finkelstein on some discrete notions of ageing, C. Bracquemond et al. Bayesian analysis: on the practical implementation of the Bayesian paradigm in reliability and risk analysis, T. Aven a Weibull wearout test - full Bayesian approach, T.Z. Irony et al Bayesian nonparametric estimation of a monotone hazard rate, M-W Ho and A.Y. Lo and other papers.

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