
Issues related to information security of the enterprise are considered. Information security is a set of tools and methods used to protect digital and analog information. The purpose of the information security management system and the role of technical means of information protection from information threats to the enterprise are shown. The methodical approach of the system analysis concerning maintenance of information security of the enterprise is used. To create and effectively operate an information security system, it is always necessary to use already established practices (standards, methodologies) to build such information security systems and implement them in information security management systems. Since modern systems of information security of the enterprise, as a rather complex organizational and technical systems, operate in conditions of uncertainty of the external and internal information environment, the management of such systems should be based only on the results of system analysis. The need to rethink the approaches and methods of systems analysis to the creation and development of modern information technologies is noted. Issues of information security should be considered as components in the creation of modern information security systems - from the moment of design, at all stages of operation and support. Global campaigns - vendors of computer systems pay considerable attention to increase their capacity to protect information through the development and improvement of technical means, in which a significant place is given to timely detection of threats, their analysis and prevention of negative impacts on reducing information security. One of the world's leading IT manufacturers is FireEye, a leader in the supply of its technical solutions. An analysis of technical solutions of FireEye, which is one of the world's leading IT manufacturers in the field of information security. Innovative solutions from the FireEye company at the enterprises of Ukraine for the purpose of increase of efficiency of detection of information modern threats and protection of the information are offered for realization.

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