
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) released figures last week showing that, for the first time, Syrians have become the largest refugee population under the agency's mandate. As of June, 2014, 3 million Syrian refugees accounted for 23% of all refugees being helped by UNHCR worldwide. For those that are not under UNHCR's watch, however, the situation seems to be becoming increasingly desperate. Last week, Lebanon introduced a stricter visa policy for Syrians, restrictions that many fear will effectively close the door on those fleeing the conflict. Syrians now have to apply for an entry visa under the following categories: tourism, business, education, and medical care. If entry is granted, it will be for a severely restricted amount of time. 1·1 million Syrian refugees are registered in Lebanon. Lebanon, which has a population of 4·5 million, admirably maintained an open border for those fleeing the conflict until October, 2014, when it took informal steps to limit numbers because its health care, water, sanitation, housing, and education services were strained by the influx. Jordan, Turkey, and Iraq have also introduced restrictions to curb the number of Syrian refugees they take in. And, although Western countries offered to resettle 100 000 Syrian refugees at a pledging conference last month, this number was shamefully 80 000 lower than aid agencies requested. Meanwhile, the situation for some refugees in host countries is bleak. Presently, tens of thousands of Syrians already in Lebanon's Bekaa valley, who are living in tents or unfinished or unheated buildings, are facing snow and freezing temperatures from a harsh winter storm. Global attention on Syria has been waning over time, a situation that does not look set to change as the conflict enters its fifth year in March. The international community has rightly ramped up their response to another crisis set to dominate 2015—Ebola in west Africa. They must do the same for the escalating disaster facing Syrian refugees.

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