
Syria was under Turkish control from the 12th century, and part of the Ottoman Empire from the 16th century until the First World War. Following the defeat of the Turks in that war, the League of Nations granted to France a mandate for Syria from 1920. On 27 Sept. 1941, Gen. Catroux, the Free French C.-in-C., in the name of the Allies, proclaimed the independence of Syria at Damascus. On 27 Dec. 1943 an agreement was signed between representatives of the French National Committee of Liberation and of Syria, by which most of the powers and capacities exercised hitherto by France under mandate were transferred as from 1 Jan. 1944 to the Syrian government. The evacuation of all foreign troops in April 1946 marked the complete independence of Syria, but the political situation was unsettled and military coups were staged in Dec. 1949 and in Feb. 1954.

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