
REPORT OF CASE Mr. I. J., aged 41 years, in general good health, had an irrelevant past and family history. He was first seen because of an ill defined papular eruption on both palms and soles which was undergoing involution. A few papulosquamous lesions suggestive of psoriasis were seen on the extensor surfaces of the elbows. Immediately distal to the lunula of each thumb nail was a single well marked Beau line. The right index finger was slightly lusterless and showed a few fine whitish longitudinal striations. The examination showed no other abnormality. The patient stated that he had had no recent sexual intercourse, no penile lesion and no generalized eruption. COMMENT Late secondary syphilis, psoriasis and atypical lichen planus were considered in the differential diagnosis. The ungual changes were nonspecific and might have occurred in either syphilis or psoriasis. The Wassermann reaction was positive, but active psoriasis with

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