
SINCE the development of the Wassermann complement-fixation test in 1906, laboratory tests have been invaluable aids in the diagnosis of syphilis. The use of these tests continues on a large scale, but their utility and interpretation are not always clear to the physician, who is the one who must make the critical decisions concerning treatment. The two basic types of serological tests currently available are nontreponemal and treponemal. The standard nontreponemal test used in the United States is the VDRL slide test. Other related tests include the rapid plasma reagin and unheated serum reagin tests. Since the antibody measured (reagin) can also be present transiently after immunizations or various febrile illnesses and chronically in conditions such as collagen vascular disease, leprosy, and drug addiction, VDRL test reactivity is not specific for syphilis. On the other hand, the VDRL test is easily quantitated, and serial titers are helpful in following the

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