
Treating massive and irreparable rotator cuff tears are problematic. Several studies have reported that polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) patches demonstrated excellent construct integrity and positive clinical and patient outcomes. However, these studies either had small sample sizes or short follow-up periods. To determine the survivorship, efficacy, and medium-term (2-19 years) outcomes of PTFE patch repairs. This retrospective study used prospectively collected data to establish the medium-term outcomes of PTFE interposition patch repairs for massive rotator cuff tears that could not be repaired by the standard technique. Patients included those who met the ≥2-year follow-up criteria post repair. Standardized assessments of patient-ranked shoulder pain and function and shoulder strength and passive range of motion (ROM) were performed preoperatively and at follow-up visits. Radiographs and ultrasonography were used to evaluate repair integrity, measure proximal humeral head migration, and determine glenohumeral arthritis scores. Forty-one shoulders formed the study cohort at a mean follow-up period of 5 years (range: 2-19 years). The mean age of this group was 72 (standard deviation: 10; range: 50-88) and had 14 cm2 tears at surgery. Twenty-five of 41 (61%) PTFE interposition patch repairs remained intact at an average of 5 years postrepair. Thirteen patches failed at the patch-tendon junction, 1 was removed, and 2 patients underwent reverse total shoulder replacement. Patient-ranked shoulder stiffness (P<.05), frequency of pain during activity and sleep (P<.001), pain levels during overhead activity and rest (P<.001), and overall shoulder function significantly improved from bad preoperatively to fair at the mean 5-year postoperative visit (P<.001). No significant improvements were demonstrated in dynamometer-measured shoulder strength maneuvers and passive ROM. All patients demonstrated proximal humeral head migration on shoulder radiographs regardless of repair integrity (mean Upper Migration Index=1.2). Failed repairs were associated with higher mean preoperative glenohumeral arthritis grades compared with intact repairs (grade 2 in failed repairs compared with grade 1 in intact repairs) (P<.01). PTFE interposition patch repairs for massive and irreparable tears had good construct integrity and clinical outcomes at 2 years. These outcomes were not maintained. PTFE patch repairs often failed at the patch-tendon junction at 4 years and beyond and were ineffective in (1) preventing proximal humeral head migration, (2) stopping progression of glenohumeral arthritis, and (3) improving shoulder strength and ROM.

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