
The process of mammalian reproduction involves the development of fertile germ cells in the testis and ovary, supported by the surrounders. Fertilization leads to embryo development and ultimately the birth of offspring inheriting parental genome information. Any disruption in this process can result in disorders such as infertility and cancer. Chemical toxicity affecting the reproductive system and embryogenesis can impact birth rates, overall health, and fertility, highlighting the need for animal toxicity studies during drug development. However, the translation of animal data to human health remains challenging due to interspecies differences. In vitro culture systems offer a promising solution to bridge this gap, allowing the study of mammalian cells in an environment that mimics the physiology of the human body. Current advances on in vitro culture systems, such as organoids, enable the development of biomaterials that recapitulate the physiological state of reproductive organs. Application of these technologies to human gonadal cells would provide effective tools for drug screening and toxicity testing, and these models would be a powerful tool to study reproductive biology and pathology. This review focuses on the 2D/3D culture systems of human primary testicular and ovarian cells, highlighting the novel approaches for in vitro study of human reproductive toxicology, specifically in the context of testis and ovary.

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