
The complex K[Ge(Nta)(OH)2] · H2O(H3Nta is nitrilotriacetic acid) was obtained and studied by IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, and X-ray crystallography. Crystals of the complex are monoclinic: a = 9.195(3) A, b = 10.9805(19) A, c = 10.661(3) A, β = 95.53(3)°, V = 1071.3(5) A3, Z = 4, space group Cc, R = 0.0560 based on 1335 reflections with I > 2σ(I). The compound is composed of complex anions [Ge(Nta)(OH)2]−, K+ cations, and water molecules of crystallization. The coordination polyhedron of the germanium atom of the anion is a distorted octahedron composed of the nitrogen atom (Ge-N, 2.080(7) A) and three carboxylic oxygen atoms (av. Ge-O, 1.931(7) A) of three acetate branches of the completely deprotonated tetradentate ligand Nta3− and two hydroxyl oxygen atoms (av. Ge-O, 1.791(8) A). In the crystals, complex anions, cations, and crystallization water molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds to form a framework.

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