
Benzyl α-l-rhamnopyranoside 4, obtained by both conventional and microwave assisted glycosidation techniques, was subjected to 2,3-O-isopropylidene protection to yield compound 5 which on benzoylation and subsequent deprotection of isopropylidene group gave the desired 4-O-benzoylrhamnopyranoside 7 in reasonable yield. Di-O-acetyl derivative of benzoate 7 was prepared to get newer rhamnopyranoside. The structure activity relationship (SAR) of the designed compounds was performed along with the prediction of activity spectra for substances (PASS) training set. Experimental studies based on antimicrobial activities verified the predictions obtained by the PASS software. Protected rhamnopyranosides 5 and 6 exhibited slight distortion from regular 1C4 conformation, probably due to the fusion of pyranose and isopropylidene ring. Synthesized rhamnopyranosides 4–8 were employed as test chemicals for in vitro antimicrobial evaluation against eight human pathogenic bacteria and two fungi. Antimicrobial and SAR study showed that the rhamnopyranosides were prone against fungal organisms as compared to that of the bacterial pathogens. Interestingly, PASS prediction of the rhamnopyranoside derivatives 4–8 were 0.49 < Pa < 0.60 (where Pa is probability ‘to be active’) as antibacterial and 0.65 < Pa < 0.73 as antifungal activities, which showed significant agreement with experimental data, suggesting rhamnopyranoside derivatives 4–8 were more active against pathogenic fungi as compared to human pathogenic bacteria thus, there is a more than 50% chance that the rhamnopyranoside derivative structures 4–8 have not been reported with antimicrobial activity, making it a possible valuable lead compound.


  • L-Rhammnnoosseeiisswwiiddeellyyddisistrtribibuuteteddininnnaatuturereaannddisisffoouunnddaassaaccoonnssttiittuueenntt of plant glycosides, gums and alssoo iinn bbaacctteerriaiallppoolylysasacchcharairdiedses[1[]1. ]T. hTehperperseesnecneceL-Lr-hrahmamnonsoes,ea, assththeeaaggllyyccoonnee mmooiety, in vvarious oliggoossaacccchhaarridideess wwaass ffoouunndd ttoo be eessssential ffor iiddeennttifificationn of iimmmmuunodominnaanntt grouuppss in polyssaacccchhaarridideess wwhhiicchh havvee aantigenicc aactivity [[22]]

  • Benzyl rhamnopyranoside 4 on acetonide protection followed by 4-O-benzylation and deacetonation gave the desired benzyl 4-O-benzoyl-α-L-rhamnopyranoside 7

  • Conformational study revealed that acetonide protected rhamnopyranoside 5 and 6 showed slight distortion from the regular 1C4 conformational structure

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L-Rhammnnoosseeiisswwiiddeellyyddisistrtribibuuteteddininnnaatuturereaannddisisffoouunnddaassaaccoonnssttiittuueenntt of plant glycosides, gums and alssoo iinn bbaacctteerriaiallppoolylysasacchcharairdiedses[1[]1. ]T. hTehperperseesnecneceL-Lr-hrahmamnonsoes,ea, assththeeaaggllyyccoonnee mmooiety, in vvarious oliggoossaacccchhaarridideess wwaass ffoouunndd ttoo be eessssential ffor iiddeennttifificationn of iimmmmuunodominnaanntt grouuppss in polyssaacccchhaarridideess wwhhiicchh havvee aantigenicc aactivity [[22]]. L-Rhammnnoosseeiisswwiiddeellyyddisistrtribibuuteteddininnnaatuturereaannddisisffoouunnddaassaaccoonnssttiittuueenntt of plant glycosides, gums and alssoo iinn bbaacctteerriaiallppoolylysasacchcharairdiedses[1[]1. 55--OO--αα--LL-rhamnopyranosyl-ββ--LL-arabinofurraannoossee 11 in Figure 1 was found as the sugar component of sitosterol glycoside, which exhibited rhamnosidase specifificity iinn AAssppeerrggiillluuss nnigigeerr[3[3].]. IIttss ddiiaacceettyyll ddeerriivvaattiivvee,, aallssoo ccaalllleedd SSLL00110011 33,, is a highly speciffiic protein kinase (RSK) inhibitor [4] and was isolated from FFoorrssteronia refracta. Diacetyl compound 33 wwaass ffoouund to have 12 times more in vviittrroo RRSSKK iinnhhiibbiittoorr tthan that of its non-acetyl analogue 2. IItt wwaass ccoonncclluuddeedd tthhaatt aaccyyllaattiioonn ooff tthhee rhammnnoossee mooiieettyy in these natural products is essential for high afffiinity binding and selectivity as well as for the development of anticancer agents (RSK inhibitors) [4]. CCuolanrsaidceyrliantigonthaelsiompmroevnisdeedimapmoirxtatunrceeooff2-4-aOn-da/coyrl e3s-Ote-rascy[4la] toefs.tChiosnLs-irdhearmingnothsee, iwmemheanvsee idmepsiogrntaendcethoef s4y-Ont-haceysilsesotferssom[4]eo4f-tOh-ibseLn-rzhoayml dneorsiev,awtievehsavoef bdeensizgynleαd-Lth-rehasymnnthoepsyirsaonfossoidmee(44)-,Ou-sbienngzporyoltdeectriiovnatdiveepsrootfebcetinoznytleαch-Ln-irqhuaem, nkeoeppyirnagnovsieidwet(h4a),t uthsiensge cporomtepcotuionndds ewpirlol tceocntitoanintaecrohmniaqtuice,mkoeieeptiynignvitisewmothleactuthlaersferacommewpoourkn,dws whiiclhl caorneteaxinpeacrtoemdatoticbemmoioertye toxic against pathogenic microorganisms. In its molecular framework, which are expected to be more toxic against pathogenic microorganisms.

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