
This paper presents a study of nanoclusters obtained by electrochemical deposition (ECD) of zinc in the a‐SiO2/Si‐n track template. The nanoporous SiO2 layer on Si substrate (track template) has been created by irradiation with swift Xe ions and further etching in HF solution. The morphology of SiO2/Si‐n track templates and precipitated Zn‐based clusters are examined using a scanning electron microscope JSM 7500F. The crystallographic structure of the Zn‐based precipitates was investigated by means of X‐ray diffraction (XRD). X‐ray analysis is carried out on a D8 ADVANCE ECO X‐ray diffractometer. The Bruker AXSDIFFRAC.EVAv.4.2 software and the international ICDD PDF‐2 database are used to identify the phases and study the crystal structure. From XRD data, it has been found the formation of three crystalline phases of zinc oxide nanocrystals electro‐deposited into SiO2/Si track template: wurtzite, sphalerite, and rock salt structures. Wurtzite is obtained on an amorphous surface of silicon dioxide. Possible mechanisms of ZnO formation instead of metal Zn nanocrystals are discussed.

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