
Synthesis of bulk titanium silicon carbide (Ti3SiC2) from the elemental Ti, Si, and C powders has been accomplished for the first time, using the arc‐melting and annealing route. The effects of various parameters on the phase purity of the Ti3SiC2 have been examined, including the starting composition of the powders, compaction technique, arc‐melting of the samples, and temperature and time of anneal. The best bulk samples, containing about 2 vol% TiC as the second phase, were made from Si‐deficient and C‐rich starting compositions. Based on electron probe microanalysis data from a number of bulk samples, it appears that Ti3SiC2 exists over a range of compositions; the Ti‐Si‐C ternary section has been modified to reflect this. The purest samples of the ternary phase were obtained by leaching powders of silicide‐containing samples in diluted HF, and contained over99vol%Ti3SiC2.

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