
A scalable straightforward synthesis of monofluoro- and difluoromethyl triflate CF3 SO2 OCH2 F (MH2F ) and CF3 SO2 OCHF2 (MHF2 ) through electrochemical fluorination (ECF, Simons process) of methyl triflate MH3 in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride at nickel anodes is presented. The ECF method is also feasible for the preparation of the deuterated analogues CF3 SO2 OCD2 F (MD2F ) and CF3 SO2 OCDF2 (MD2F ). Surprisingly, no H/D exchange occurs during ECF of CF3 SO2 OCD3 (MD3 ); this provides further evidence for a NiF3 /NiF4 -mediated ECF mechanism. The ECF of selected partially fluorinated ethyl triflates is described, and electrochemical fluorination of CF3 SO2 OCH2 CF3 (EH2F3 ) leads to the until now unknown chiral CF3 SO2 OCHFCF3 (EHFF3 ). The analogous fluoromethyl and fluoroethyl nonaflates are also accessible by ECF. This study contains detailed spectroscopic, structural, and thermal data on (fluoro)methyl and fluoro(ethyl) triflates.

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