
The synthesis and molecular structure of Me 2LSn(1-Me-1,2-C 2B 10H 10) ( 3), L is 2,6-( t-BuOCH 2) 2C 6H 3 −, the precursor for the synthesis of other Sn ← O intramolecularly coordinated organotin(IV) compounds containing 1-methyl- o-carborane (1-Me-1,2-C 2B 10H 11) is reported. Compound 3 was characterized by the help of 1H, 11B, 13C, 119Sn NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction technique. For the preparation of 3, a novel triorganotin(IV) compound Me 2LSnCl ( 2) has been prepared since the reaction of sterically more demanding Ph 2LSnCl ( 1) with 1-Me-1,2-C 2B 10H 10Li did not occur.

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