
In this work, we report a robust wet-chemical route to synthesize monosized octahedron-shaped magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles with average sizes ranging from 8 to ∼430 nm. In other words, we are able to adjust the magnetic properties of the as-synthesized nanoparticles from superparamagnetic to single-domain to multidomain ferrimagnetic regimes. We also demonstrate a simple solvent-evaporation assembly process to obtain either 2D monolayer or 3D microrod superstructures made of 21 nm-sized nanooctahedra by applying a weak magnetic field (∼0.06 T) in the horizontal or vertical direction, respectively. The as-obtained 2D monolayer assembly not only exhibits a long-range translational order (hexagonal close packing) but also has a high degree of crystallographic orientational order (⟨111⟩ texture normal to the substrate). Large-area assemblies (up to 10 × 10 μm) can be formed on various substrates, for example, silicon substrates and carbon films of transmission electron microscopy copper grids, as demonstra...

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