
This paper deals with the synthesis of control software for hybrid systems specified as hybrid automata. Instead of generating the software from scratch, the synthesis is based on a generic layered software architecture which supports both periodic and event-triggered computations. The use of the layered software architecture as the framework for implementing hybrid controllers is motivated in the paper.An automatic code generator HA2LS (from Hybrid Automata to Layered Systems) is introduced. HA2LS reads a specification in terms of hybrid automata and generates intermediate code that can be processed by the tools provided by the layered architecture. The generated software provides a clean interface for a control engineer to plug in the control algorithms. With externally supplied control algorithms and IO procedures, the synthesis of executable hybrid controllers can be completed. The generated code can also be used for simulation purposes if it is generated from the specification of the complete system including the plant. The code generator HA2LS together with the software architecture substantially shorten the time to implement hybrid controllers from hybrid automata.KeywordsControl AlgorithmHybrid SystemControl EngineerControl SoftwareHybrid AutomatonThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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