
Methyl pyropheophorbides-a possessing a 1,4-naphthoquinon-5-yl or 9,10-anthraquinon-1-yl group at the 3-position were prepared by the Diels–Alder reaction of 3-(1,3-butadienyl)chlorin with benzoquinone or naphthoquinone and successive dehydrogenative oxidation. The synthetic chlorophyll-a derivatives directly bonded with the quinone were atropisomers around the C3–C31 bond, which were readily separated by HPLC. Since the quinone moiety was nearly perpendicular to the chlorin π-system, the distance and orientation between the chlorin and quinone chromophores were fixed in a molecule. The visible absorption spectra of the synthetic chlorin–quinone conjugates were independent of the quinone part and the axial chirality. Their fluorescence emissions were almost completely quenched by intramolecular electron transfer from the photoexcited chlorin to the quinone, which resembled the charge-separating process in photosynthetic reaction centers.

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