
Primary cell cultures were established from explants of rat seminal vesicle. The establishment of primary cell cultures required, among other factors, the presence of testosterone. Two cell populations were detected in such primary cultures: fibroblast-like cells and epithelial-like cells; the latter encompassed a subtype of small cells and a subtype of large squamous cells (most likely the result of a degenerative process acting upon the former). Histochemical, as well as electron-microscopical observations, indicated the presence of a persistent secretory activity in the small epithelial cells; fibroblast and large squamous epithelial cells were inactive in this respect. Staining of the cells with a peroxidase-conjugated antibody and analysis of the proteins produced in the presence of labelled methionine, showed that one of the major rat seminal vesicle secretory proteins, namely RSV-IV, was also produced. Conditions which favoured the growth of epithelial cells, rather than of fibroblasts, were determined. The use of nearly homogeneous cell populations and the use of collagen-coated Petri dishes, allowed the cloning of two independently obtained permanent cell lines, namely SVC-1 and SVC-2. The in vitro growth rate of both cell lines was modulated by the amount of testosterone in the medium. Both cell lines were able to synthesize a significant amount of RSV-IV protein under testosterone control.

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