
This work includes synthesis of new ester compounds for D – dulcitol on the primary hydroxyl group ( C1 or C6 ) in the dulcitol molecule by the reaction of dulcitol with pure fatty acid esters as ( Methyl stearate , Methyl laurate , Methyl hexanoate , Methyl palmitate ) to obtain 1 (6) – Mono ester -D- dulcitol ( A – D ) respectively, and with crude oil ( tri glyceride ) as (Castor oil , Sun flower oil , Cotton oil , Olive oil , Flax seed oil , Corn oil ) to obtain mixture ester compounds 1 (6) –Mono ester –D- dulcitol ( E – J ) respectively. These compounds prepared by transesterification method in basic medium also detected the reaction flow of or by ( TLC ) technique and these compounds were characterized by ( FT – IR ) , (1H-NMR ) and elemental analysis (C.H.N.S) . Also this work includes studying some physical properties of the prepard ester compounds like foam test , surface tension to know their used capability as Detergents and emulsions. This study shows that the prepared compounds having good detergent and emulsion properties

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