
Three different cross‐linked (4, 8, and 12%) gel‐type strong‐base poly(4‐vinylpyridine) resins (PVP) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, exchange capacity, and moisture content. The uptake of plutonium and uranium was measured as a function of nitric acid concentration using all the three PVP resins. Plutonium sorption and elution kinetics experiments were also performed on all three PVP resins and compared with the benchmark, a gel‐type quarternary ammonium type anion‐exchange resin. The plutonium sorption rate decreases with the increase in cross‐linkage of the resin. All the three PVP resins exhibit better elution kinetics compared to the benchmark. The results on kinetic experiments performed on all three‐gel‐type resins indicated 8% gel‐type PVP resin with 50–100 mesh as a better candidate for plutonium processing or purification. Radiation degradation studies were carried out on the 8% PVP resin by gamma irradiation up to 200 MRad. The irradiated resins were characterized by IR, TGA, and SEM. The exchange capacity, moisture content, and plutonium uptake were also evaluated for the irradiated PVP resins in comparison with the benchmark. The results indicated a better radiation stability for PVP resin over the benchmark.

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