
The potency of the first-row transition metal complexes with Schiff's base ligand as an antioxidant has been widely studied by researchers. In this study, hydrazone-type Schiff base compounds, salicylaldehyde-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone (SDPH), resulted from the condensation of salicylaldehyde (1.5 mmol) and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (1.5 mmol) were synthesized and characterized with 1H-NMR. The synthesized SDPH was used as ligands in the formation of Co(II) metal complexes. The Co(II)-SDPH complexes were synthesized with reflux reaction at 60 o C for 6 hours in molar ratio 1:3. Triethylamine is used to synthesis Co(II)-SDPH, which serves to deprotonate SDPH ligands. ESI-MS analysis showed that the complex is a neutral dimeric complex.The complex has the chemical formula [Co2(SDPH)2[(Et)3N]2(acn)2(OH)2} ([M+Na]+ = 1061 g/ mol), shown on the ESI-MS spectrum. Coordinate bonds between Co (II) metal ions with ligands are observed in the presence of shifting of the C=N wave number, as well as the loss of the vibrating peaks of the O-H groups to the infrared spectra of complexes. The IR spectrum of complexes was suggested that SDPH behave as a bidentate ligand through the azomethine nitrogen atom and phenolic oxygen atom. The ligand and its Co(II) complex have been screened for antioxidant activity against DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine). Based on the activity test results, the IC50 value of Co(II)-SDPH complex was lower than ligand. These results show that Co(II)-SDPH are potentials as antioxidants .


  • Abstrak: Potensi senyawa kompleks logam transisi deret pertama dengan ligan basa Schiff sebagai antioksidan banyak dipelajari oleh peneliti

  • Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi salisilaldehid (Merck), 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazin (Merck), CoCl2.6H2O (Merck), asetonitril (Merck), etanol p.a (99% Merck), metanol p.a (99% Merck), aseton p.a

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Pengukuran Momen Magnet

Penentuan sifat magnet senyawa kompleks Co(II)-SDPH dilakukan pengukuran momen magnet dengan menggunakan alat. Susceptibility Balance (MSB), yang bekerja dengan prinsip Gouy. Berikut tahap-tahap pengukuran yang dilakukan yaitu tabung kosong yang telah bersih dan kering ditimbang dengan teliti menggunakan neraca analitis dan massanya dinyatakan sebagai Wo. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran kerentanan magnetik tabung kosong, nilai yang ditunjukkan dinyatakan dengan Ro. Selanjutnya sejumlah sampel yang telah dihaluskan dimasukkan ke dalam tabung hingga terisi merata, tinggi sampel 2,5 cm dan dicatat sebagai l. Kemudian tabung yang telah berisi sampel diukur kerentanan magnetnya dan nilainya dinyatakan sebagai R1. Tabung berisi sampel tersebut ditimbang dengan teliti menggunakan neraca analitis dan dicatat sebagai W1. SDPH masing-masing dilarutkan dengan aseton dan asetonitril hingga tepat larut. Sampel kemudian diinjeksikan ke dalam alat LCT Premier XE kemudian diukur pada rentang m/z mulai dari 0 sampai 1200

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